Amelia Bilson
We first met Amelia Bilson in 2015, who had moved to Middleport earlier that year despite knowing that the neighbourhood had its troubles. She told us how she was determined to settle in the area long term and to make Middleport a place which was desirable and a place that she would love to bring her young children up in.
She has been applying an asset-based approach to transform Middleport and what she has achieved during this period is commendable. She has formed the community group Middleport Matters who have created a powerful social movement. The area has become a hive of positive community activities where local residents and people from across the city and beyond have come together to enjoy the opportunities, which she has created through her determination, and hard work.
What makes the amazing story being created in Middleport even more significant is the personal journey, which Amelia has been on, as she believes that her involvement in the community has made her well and provided her with many health benefits. Having been in a position where she didn’t feel comfortable leaving her house she has now become a true community leader who is inspiring people of all ages to follow in her footsteps and contribute towards making Middleport a better place to live.
Amelia has proved that one person can make a huge difference and she has been recognised nationally for her efforts, she has joined with CV to share her experiences and knowledge of how communities led groups can excel and achieve amazing things for their neighbourhoods.
As part of our CV Network she currently delivers
- Public Speaking – Where she shares her inspirational personal and community stories.
- Site Visits – Amelia welcomes people to Middleport where she shows visitors what’s been achieved and share good practice.