Social Activity Programmes 

Here is a range of activities, which we are able to facilitate and offer to the community.  Our sessions provide opportunities for people to enjoy a range of activities, which can benefit their quality of life, physical and emotional wellbeing, and help them to feel more socially connected through the positive experiences they get to enjoy participating in our social activity programmes.

We also provide links to our network of partner and community organisations that can also assist them to live a better life.

Big Breakfast & World Café consultation event

Big Breakfast & World Café consultation event

Community Ventures to host a Big Breakfast café where we will provide a hearty breakfast to the participants before beginning an informal and interactive conversation and consultation workshop.

The consultation will ensure the participants feel at the heart of our programme and that they have had the opportunity to inform us of any activities or interests which they would like us to cover or to take part in during our programme.

Physical Activity Sessions

Physical Activity Sessions

Community Ventures to host a Big Breakfast café where we will provide a hearty breakfast to the participants before beginning an informal and interactive conversation and consultation workshopWe are able to provide participants with a wide range of physical activity sessions ranging from Boxing to Yoga to Zumba to chair based. These sessions are always fun and are enjoyed by community members across the city.



Our relaxation sessions include, massage, pampering, and meditation, as well as other mindfulness activities to anti stress such as book colouring, reiki and relaxation.

Looking after yourself

Looking after yourself

These sessions will provide participants with advice about how they can look after themselves a little better.  Our team are able to offer sessions around nutrition, personal hygiene and the importance of exercise. We are also able to deliver colour therapy session.

Creative Crafting

Creative Crafting

We are able to deliver an extensive range of therapeutic creative craft activities suitable for people of all ages and abilities. Card and jewellery making, glass painting, crochet, book mark and candle making as well as sessions to make gifts and decorative items for their friends and homes. These are just a few of the many craft sessions we can deliver. We also theme our sessions around seasonal festivals and celebrations.

Learning and personal development

Learning and personal development

We are able to provide a range of learning workshops which cover 1st Aid, food hygiene, photography, how to use and understand social media. We could also invite speakers to come and share stories and details of how people can turn an interest in to a business, education or employment opportunity.

Sing along Sessions

Sing along Sessions

We are able to offer musical therapy sessions, which help to lift spirits amongst participants through music and singing. Our instructor is able to use music to trigger memories and instill the feel good factor amongst the group.

Emotional Wellbeing sessions

Emotional Wellbeing sessions

We will host workshops, which take a holistic approach to the participant’s personal wellbeing. We offer sessions where people are offered guidance and support and the opportunity to discuss with peers how we are able to look after our thoughts and ourselves and manage their emotions and feelings most effectively.

Everyday Living

Everyday Living

We will be able to advise participants on how to better fulfil their every day tasks and duties. These sessions will be relaxed, informative and practical which can include money management, shopping and cooking on a budget, life skills. There are also citezins advice type services, which we are able to offer to provide to participants.

Guest Speakers

Guest Speakers

Through our network of partners, we are able to offer talks and workshops delivered by reputable professionals around health care, wellbeing, financial, employment and community living. These guest speaker sessions can help carers to find out more about various subjects and learn of opportunities there are available to them locally.

Sharing sessions

Sharing sessions

These sessions will provide opportunities for participants to share their talents and gifts in a group environment. We will then discuss how group members could use their skills and abilities to lead their own future sessions, activities or events for carers and wider audiences.

Community Ventures always applies an asset based approach to community development, and it is at these sessions where we will help and support participants to understand how they can become key in sustaining activity programmes such as this one in their local neighbourhoods.

Our activities are all delivered by our network of qualified instructors, sessional workers and trusted members of the community who have a proven track record of delivering fun and engaging activities, which provide participants with enjoyable social experiences.